Discovery Call/Contact – free!

We can chat for 10-15 minutes before you make a booking so we can get a ‘feel’ for each other.  

If you prefer, we can email.


Initial consultation 60-90 minutes $180

Be prepared to do A LOT of talking about yourself!

The initial consultation is really a chat about you. With your completed questionnaire that is sent to you upon confirmation of booking, I will ask you questions about your:

  • current situation

  • past medical history

  • your diet

  • your lifestyle

  • your stress and energy levels

We may discuss any medical test results you already have, such as blood tests.

There may be a brief physical examination such as taking blood pressure and your waist and height measurements.

After the initial consultation, I will send you recommendations which usually include diet and lifestyle suggestions. Reasons are usually provided.

Diet suggestions can include supplements, recommended food groups and cooking /meal suggestions.

Lifestyle suggestions could include physical exercise, sleep hygiene ideas.

Sometimes there may be a referral or suggestions that you see other health practitioners eg. gp, osteopath, acupuncturist.


Follow up consultation 30-60 minutes $80

The follow up consultation is usually scheduled 2 weeks after the initial consultation. We use this time to go through how you have gone with the recommendations, such as:

  • How is your condition now? Better or worse? Any other signs and symptoms that were not at the initial consultation?

  • How was your response to the supplementation/nutrition/lifestyle suggestions?

  • How is your referral? Have you made a booking?

We use this time to adjust the recommendations or you may want help with the recommendations.